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You’ve seen it on TV and wish you could communicate with your deceased friend or loved one yourself… Now you can!


My name is Leilani. I’ll be working with each of you to show you how you can easily communicate with the ones you love who’ve passed over. The only limitations are your own beliefs. I’m asking you to step back away from those beliefs for a moment and imagine the possibilities of being able to freely ask all the burning questions you’ve been wanting to ask but never thought you could. Maybe you don’t believe in the Afterlife? Here’s your chance to blow your mind!

A brief intro and demo will be given and then each attendee will have a chance to ask their own question(s) to their deceased loved one(s). I ask that you refrain from asking questions that you don’t want overheard. This is a public event. If you’d like to ask highly emotional or sensitive questions, please make a private appointment with Leilani by clicking HERE



  • Questions must be asked in a Yes/No fashion and in a timely manner. Plan ahead.

  • No metal jewelry, watches, electronic devices (cell phones) or recording equipment allowed while communicating with your deceased loved one(s).

  • Shower before you come. No Strong Odors (perfumes, cologne, lotions, etc.)

  • Eat a LIGHT SNACK before arriving. If you’re prone to fainting, dizziness, fear, or other negative emotions please do not come to this event. It is not for you. We will do everything we can to end on-time so you can eat shortly afterward.

  • Please do not be under the influence of any drugs, alcohol or other intoxicating substances while at the event.

  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You’ll also be asked to remove your shoes. Please plan ahead.

  • There is No Guarantee your person(s) will show up or agree to answer any or all of your questions. Do not be disappointed. You’re sure to be amazed by who does!

  • Be mindful of your emotions both before and during the event as depression, sadness, or anger – any negative thoughts or emotions - lower your vibrational energy and block communication with the Spirit realm – making it difficult for you and your Spirit person to work together in communication. Happy memories are positive vibes!


Fine Print:  Skeptics are welcome. Cynics are not. Leilani Reserves the Right to Dismiss (without monetary refund or compensation) or Refuse Admittance to Anyone Not Suitable for this Event. Please be respectful of all attendees, including spirits and the facilitator.

Thank you.

Once Again With Leilani DATES:​

  • ​    No Events Scheduled

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Reserve Your Seat Here

Click on the number of tickets you want. Then click on the "Set Time Zone" (green button). Then click on the DATE. Then click on "Continue". Enter Your information. Then click on PAY NOW  to purchase your ticket(s).

At the Once Again with Leilani event, you can ask as many questions as you can in the amount of time we have to work with – approximately 5 minutes per person. Leilani will try to be available for the questions you have for her after the event. You’re invited to stick around if you can, however, be mindful of the clock since this event could take up to 3 hours to complete.


  • This event will take place in a safe, protected, and neutral environment, however, due to the potential sensitive nature of some of the questions, No children 12 years old or younger will be admitted.

  • Anyone 17 years old or under must be accompanied by a paying adult.

  • Pre-Paid Admission is $25 USD per person. Your name will be on a list and verified at the door. ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE.

  • Tickets ARE Transferrable, but NOT REFUNDABLE. (Write your name and the other person’s name on your ticket (printed receipt or email confirmation) and ask them to bring their I.D.!)

  • Doors will open 20-30 minutes prior – please plan to arrive 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled event time – since doors will promptly close ON-TIME in order to accommodate all of the attendees – Please be on-time! Spirits don’t like to wait!

Examples of Communication with Spirit

Meet One Of My Spirit Mentors... 10 yr old Jaden

To Learn More About Jaden and his mom, go to


or to Jaden's Mom, Jessica Baumeister's, Facebook Page

Quick Link to PRIVATE Appointment

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